16 April 2008

just randomly throwing things out there

I have a lot of things saved that I've been meaning to post about and haven't. This actually happens all the time and usually I just let them sit around until they are hopelessly out of date and then delete them. But, today I'm feeling productive and the apartment is quiet, so I'm actually sitting down to post. Oh the novelty of it all! Thus, without further ado ...

* You know what looks really bad? My Beautiful Mommy, the coming-soon book for children that explains mother's plastic surgery. On oh, so many levels. (via Feministing)

* The fact that this new Laika statue exists makes me really, really happy. Reason 87 to visit Moscow. (via BoingBoing)

* If anyone were in the market to buy me a present, this t-shirt from the good folks at Mental Floss is one very good way to go. But, if you aren't feeling it, why don't you exercise some creativity and come up with your own? There will be prizes!

* And finally, in order to the geekin' out I plan to do this weekend at the New York Comic Con: Charles Schulz + Alan Moore = Watchpeanuts = Love. (also via BoingBoing)

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