26 November 2007

i know that already because i saw it on your facebook

Oh, Facebook. As previously noted, I was quite determined not to become one of your minions. Er, I mean users. Social networking sites are a dime a dozen these days, and a girl could get a headache trying to keep up with them all. Or, just by trying to remember all those passwords.

But if there's one thing I learned from watching Star Trek (TNG all the way!), it's that resistance is futile. You tell yourself that you're just going to register to find out what all the hype is about and initially you are pretty unimpressed. Slowly though, you start to enjoy the constant string of information. Oh look, she is having pizza for dinner tonight! He is attending a rugby match! I bet I can answer more questions about The Goonies than him! Can thousands of Stephen Colbert fans really be wrong?

Almost without even realizing it, you are logging on a dozen of times of day, hoping desperately that someone has played a move in one of the ten Scrabulous games you have going. You find yourself thinking that crafting your profile is a good way to kill two hours. You upload pictures. You consider this a valid form of communication between friends. You feel like, gee, I bet we'd have a great time hanging out because Flixter says so and we have so much overlap in our iLike profiles.

And, it's like totally legit, because people are networked by their schools and employers and NPR did a story about it.

Maybe it's a facade. Maybe, probably it will fade.

But it hasn't yet, so feel free to look me up there. Especially if you play Scrabulous.


hood_and_hat said...

Scrabulous is the best.

Jenn said...

I know, right? We should play sometime!