21 October 2007

i love you, except when I don't

So then, technology ... I have to admit I'm a little flummoxed over what to say. And believe me, I've been thinking about it a lot the last few days. In part, the trouble comes from the fact that the topic is so broad. I tend to get overwhelmed when I have too many choices. And what exactly doesn't qualify as technology? It pervades our life and even when we think we aren't going to succumb to it, we frequently find ourselves seduced.

I don't think it's inherently a good or a bad thing. It just is, a fact of life if you will, although it sounds so pedestrian when you state it in those terms. Most of the time, I'm cool with it. Some might even call me enthusiastic. I'm not cool enough, nor do I have enough disposable income, to be an innovator. Early adopter? Sometimes. Most frequently somewhere between that and early majority. I like technology, I like having new toys to play with. But I'm not buying an iPhone until they work out the kinks.

That being said, I do find it very frustrating when things go wrong and I can't figure out how to fix them. Computers are a good example of that. Lately, I've been having slight issues with mine. Not huge ones; if it didn't still function relatively well, I wouldn't be typing this right now. But I'm getting the subtle indications that tell me I've topped the peak and am heading down the mountain. As such, I should probably get used to the idea that I'm going to have to spend a sizable chunk of money replacing it in the not-so-distant future. Or, even more unlikely, be content to not have one at home.

Which, quite frankly, is impossible to imagine. That's the thing about technology too. Once you get accustomed to it, it's hard to conceive of being without it. While there are days when I don't use my computer or talk on my cell phone or turn the tv on. But the option to do those things are always there. And the days when they aren't there? Like, when storms make the cable go out? Or when your phone just suddenly won't turn on at all and even though you've re-upped your contract for another two years and T-Mobile tells you that a cute new Razr is on the way, you still can't make phone calls because the replacement UPS driver can't seem to find your address? Color me crazy, until I'm connected again. And then I'll be happy and carefree until the next snafu.

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